DATEV Unternehmen online

We offer our clients the option of collaborating via the joint Internet-based platform “Unternehmen online” in order to ensure a smooth document and data exchange. With this platform, our clients are able to access an audit-compliant archive for their digitalised receipts, electronic invoices and personnel records as well as perform analyses.
In addition, payments can be settled easily.
Our clients scan their receipts and transfer them to the DATEV data processing centre. This is where the digitalised receipts and documents are stored centrally and can be accessed both by the company and by our firm. Due to automatic document recognition, our tax advisors are able to insert the relevant accounting information directly into the accounting record.

After that, our firm provides analyses in the areas of financial accounting, open item accounting, cost accounting and payroll also via the “Unternehmen online” platform. This means that our clients are always able to access current analyses when making business management decisions.

Are you interested in our services and require more information? We are happy to answer your questions.

Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander Wolff
Managing Partner
Public Accountant,
Tax Advisor
T +49 331 74395-14
T +49 203 29506-762

Moore Rhein Ruhr