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Company profile

The competent partner by your side

Moore Rhein-Ruhr GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft is associated with MGK Partner PartG mbB Wirtschaftsprüfer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater (MGK Partner), a professional partnership under German law. Having started out as a pure tax firm in Duisburg, Germany, more than 60 years ago, MGK Partner offers competent and comprehensive legal and tax advice under one roof. With the formation of Moore Rhein-Ruhr in 1977, the firm extended its service portfolio to include statutory audits, business opinions and in particular company valuations as well as other tasks required by law to be carried out by auditors/tax advisors. In 1990 the consultancy group opened its Potsdam branch office, whose partners and employees look after clients in the metropolitan area of Berlin/Brandenburg. We have also been represented in Düsseldorf since 2021.

An integral component of the company philosophy is the personal advice provided by the partners and the relationship of trust between clients and partners. Each client is looked after by at least one partner who acts as the point of contact for all questions regarding the planning and implementation of the work to be undertaken. He or she also handles the internal and external coordination in the event that specialists need to be involved in particular cases. If this is the case, the partner will draw on the know-how and expertise of a broad network of experts.

Moore Rhein-Ruhr is a legally independent member of the Moore network, which counts among one of the largest international networks of independent, owner-managed auditing and tax consultancy firms. With more than 37,000 employees in 114 countries around the world, Moore is able to offer competent and reliable support in Germany and beyond.

Get to know us

Get to know us

What sets us apart

Our clients rely on our professional know-how and expertise in order for us to work together to develop tailored solutions or carry out conclusive assessments. This is why we place great value on professional qualifications. All partners and the majority of our employees have not only completed a university degree, but have passed at least one additional professional exam.  Many have completed multiple professional examinations. Moreover, several members of our firm act as examiners for professional examinations. In addition, the know-how and scholarly opinions issued by our experts attract interest in professional circles. In addition to regular publications in renowned professional journals, some members of the firm belong to the team of authors of juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, a predominantly publicly financed German database service providing commentary in the field of commercial and corporate case-law and legislation.

We provide support based on mutual trust.

The ability to provide good advice does not only require specialist knowledge, but is also based on a thorough understanding of the mindset of the client and a relationship of trust between client and advisor. We therefore place great value on our partners personally providing support to clients. Partners are responsible for the client’s day-to-day business and are point of contact both internally and externally in the event that specialists need to be consulted in particular cases.

And the award goes to…
MGK Partner is one of the 100 top firms of tax advisors in Germany

Read the whole article regarding the survey run by the German magazine, FOCUS MONEY.

Our awards

An integral part of our corporate philosophy is the personal and reliable support provided by the partners, backed by a broad network of experts. This philosophy is also reflected in the awards that our firm has received.

  • In 2024, FOCUS Money once again named MGK Partner as one of the 100 largest top tax consultancy and auditing firms in Germany.
  • Business magazine REVIER MANAGER placed MGK Partners in 3rd place among the largest tax consultancy and auditing firms in the German Ruhr area in 2022.
  • On the TOP-List of the magazine “Focus Business” (April 05/2024) which is based on recommendations by other public accountants and tax advisors, Moore Rhein-Ruhr/MGK Partner was awarded as TOP tax consultancy firm in the sector tax.
  • The magazine “Handelsblatt” awarded MGK Partner in 2024 as one of the TOP tax consultancy firms in Germany. Moore Rhein-Ruhr and Brandenburgische Revisionsgesellschaft is on of the best auditing firms according to the magazine “Handelsblatt”.

For more information about our tax consultancy offers, please click here.

Source: FOCUS Money, 24/2024; REVIER MANAGER 01/2022,, Focus Business (April 05, 2024), Handelsblatt (March 14, 2024)
