New property tax values apply from 2025. For all real estates in Germany, new property tax values are to be determined on the assessment date of 01 January 2022. Currently, all landowners are obliged to submit a declaration of assessment to the tax authority from...

Our DACHIF brochures are published in cooperation with MOORE member law firms in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France. The current brochure deals with basic tax rules for the immigration and emigration of wealthy private individuals....

Since the end of March it has become official: Brexit is going to happen. London has issued its announcement on withdrawal from the EU and thus the negotiations on the “divorce settlement” have been set in motion. This step has caused uncertainty for European companies...

Anja Spätlich, one of our lawyers, published an article on the subject of minimum wage and on-call service times in the April 2017 issue of “juris Praxis Reports Arbeitsrecht”, an employment law journal. In her article, Ms Spätlich comments on the judgment handed down by...

In the last few months, you may have come across the terms “GoBD” and “GDPR” a number of times. In essence, these provisions lay down additional accounting and record keeping requirements for tax purposes and stricter data protection rules, in each case including documentation requirements...

Moore Rhein Ruhr