Locations & Clients

Around 80 employees work in our offices in Duisburg, Potsdam and Düsseldorf. More than 30 public accountants, lawyers and tax advisors are available throughout Germany to support our clients which range from upper mid-size businesses to large corporations and high-net-worth individuals. Our employees in Duisburg and Düsseldorf support our clients in the Rhine-Ruhr region, while the Potsdam branch looks after our clients in the metropolitan area of Berlin/Brandenburg.

Welcome to MGK Partner and Moore Rhein-Ruhr GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

We look forward to welcoming you at our offices in Duisburg, Potsdam and Düsseldorf.

Duisburg office

Kuhlenwall 20
47051 Duisburg
T +49 203 29506-0
F +49 203 29506-611

Potsdam office

Karl-Marx-Str. 40
14482 Potsdam
T +49 331 74395-0
F +49 331 74395-19


Düsseldorf office

Klever Str. 31
40477 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 495572-95
F +49 211 495572-96

Moore Rhein Ruhr